Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cats are watching you

laser friends, originally uploaded by Jannabelle.

The philosophical green dot

green dot, originally uploaded by Jannabelle.
Pondering about unseen greenness.


revisited., originally uploaded by Jannabelle.

Even better than the name I had in my mind for my café.


best, originally uploaded by Jannabelle.


One of those moments

wind, originally uploaded by Jannabelle.
A suite of pics I stumbled about on flickr (got there via YouTube). Beautiful pics make me happy. BTW, Jannabelle's boyfriend shot this on a their bus tour through Dublin. No, no set, no arrangement, just a Zen moment.
Hi there, Internet,

So, finally I am succumbing to blogging. No, I will not tweet, but blogging seems like a good fit for my quirky/goofy personality. I will use this blog mostly for making people aware about cool sites, etc., I have found on the Internet. So, to all my Facebook friends: If you are interested in my random link posts you have to sign up this blog. Yes, yet another §$%&! blog to follow. Life sometimes just is a bitch.
Anyway, off we go. Buckle up for a wild mind ride.
